Health and Safety Protocol

Last Updated July 2021:

  • All members MUST pre-book gym sessions, peloton bike sessions, and yoga classes. Failure to do so may result in a suspension of membership. If you need to cancel your session, please do so ASAP to avoid a no-show charge to your account, equivalent to the current drop in rate

  • Masks are mandatory.

  • Public Yoga classes have returned, please pre-book online for your session.

  • Gym use is capped at 19 people max (including staff) per hour.

  •  Peloton bike use is capped at 3 people per hour or 1 immediate household per hour (max of 3 people).

  • Please do not drop weights in the gym and continue to sanitize equipment after each use.

  • Please leave the gym/studio promptly after your workout session is complete. This helps us minimize the number of people in the gym and studio per hour.


  • Because of the limited space, you must reserve your spot online, in advance. Walk-ins are not permitted.

  • Your online account must be active with a membership or class card purchased, in order to register for class. If you do not have an active membership or class card, please purchase one online through your Zen Planner account.

  • Upon registering, there is a Covid waiver to sign and Vaccine passport consent form.

  • If you have already been purchasing memberships and booking classes online, you are set!


Never set up your online account?

Please ensure your online account is up to date with email communications TURNED ON for important updates, as well as, your billing information current.    

**Direct your membership and class card questions to Please do not message through social media for these concerns. 


For Gym and Peloton sessions

  • Hourly weekday gym booking capacity is 7 an hour.

  • We ask that you still please leave when your booked time is finished.

  • You are welcome to book 2 hours back to back now as the time slot capacity has increased! 

  • Please refrain from booking 3 hours at a time, unless from 1 – 4 pm on weekdays. You’re free to book as many hours as you’d like on the weekends.

  • Please arrive at your start time and check-in with front desk staff. When front desk is not available, you must check-in using our app.

  • Please sanitize your hands as you come in and again as you leave.

  • Masks are no longer mandatory and are now recommended.

  • Please do not share equipment. We ask that you clean equipment immediately after each use with the sanitization sprays provided.

  • Maintain 2 meters distance from others.

  • Once you’ve completed your appointment, please leave the gym promptly so that we adhere to the maximum of 19 people per hour in the gym.

For Yoga Class

Before Yoga Class

  • Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your class start time and check-in with front desk staff.

  • Please wash your hands using the hand sanitizer provided both before and after class.

  • Leave your shoes and bag on the shelf located at studio entrance.

After Yoga Class

  • To help us maintain sufficient time for cleaning and disinfecting the studio, please exit the studio directly following class, without delay.

  • Front Desk Staff will open/close the studio door prior to and after class, to eliminate door nob touches. Please enter and exit, single file, continuing to maintain 2 meters distance.


  • All high touch surfaces are disinfected frequently throughout the day.

  • All props and equipment are disinfected after each use.

  • Studio/gym/bathroom floors are deep cleaned.

  • All bikes are disinfected after each use.

  • Washrooms and lobby are cleaned frequently.

  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout our space. Please use it.

  • Clean cloths and hospital grade spray is available throughout our space to disinfect equipment. Please use it.

  • Staff wears masks and a plexiglass partition is installed at our front desk. Please maintain social distancing and stand behind the partition when speaking to front desk staff.


  • If you are experiencing any symptoms, do not feel well, are coughing, feverish or nauseous, please reschedule your workout until you feel better. Take the necessary time to recover from your symptoms before attending.

  • If you have tested positive for COVID or have knowingly come into contact with someone who has, we ask that you stay home for 14 days or until you test negative.

  • If you have travelled out of province, please follow government guidelines and do not visit our space until it is safe to do so.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions about any of these new guidelines. It’s an adjustment for all of us, but we know we can all work together to make our studio/gym a safe and fun place to stay fit and healthy.

Finally, remember to have fun! Things will be different, but we’re still the same community. Allow yourself grace as you transition back, but also be prepared to crush it!